
I partner with creative agencies and businesses of all sizes, to deliver meaningful yet stunning design outcomes. This is achieved through a proven process and via a core set of creative services, including:

→ Logo Design
→ Branding
→ Graphic Design
→ Print & Digital Design
→ Photography


There is no "one-size-fits-all" solution when it comes to design, and each project often requires a slightly different approach. However, the essence of my design process stays the same. It provides a structure for everyone to follow, secures understanding and maintains focus. The fundamental method comprises the five stages listed below, which are flexible and adapt to the specifics of each project. Expand each one to learn more.

1. Discover
This is the most important stage as it lays the foundations for a project. Here I work closely with you to dig into the specifics of what you need, the problem you are facing and the outcome you wish to achieve. From there, we work together to determine the best route forward and move into the design phase fully informed and on the same page.
2. Create
Taking everything I have learned from the first stage, this is where I put the plan into action. Whatever the design outcome, I ensure that the agreed brief and strategy is adhered to at all times, never losing site of the end goal. At the end of this stage, I will present the design concept(s) for you to provide feedback.
3. Refine
Following receipt of the design(s), this is your opportunity to provide feedback. Here we can discuss if anything needs to be altered, ensure everything is fit for purpose and answers the brief. I will then refine the final design ready for handing over.
4. Handover
Once you are happy with the design and final sign-off has been given, I will finalise the project. This involves preparing and supplying all final files, this is usually in the form of a digital download link. Depending on the project, deliverables will differ, but all appropriate file formats will be provided and any specific requirements will have been discussed.
5. Aftercare
Finally, I pride myself in supporting my clients, therefore even though a project may have officially come to an end, my inbox is always open. In addition, certain projects such as logo design come with tangible support in the form of digital guidelines on how to implement your logo and achieve maximum impact.

I have been creating and supporting brands for over 10 years. During that time I've gained a wealth of experience through freelance ventures and with design agencies. I have been obsessed with design, in some form, from an early age. From being more interested in a PlayStation game manual than the actual game itself, to silently judging the font on a restaurant menu. I have now fully embraced my design geekiness!

Having worked with clients locally and worldwide, I have experienced multiple areas of design, equipping me with the skills and ability to take on most challenges. I know that trust in any relationship is paramount, so my organised and process-driven approach to all projects encourages transparency from both sides and delivers the best possible outcome. Whether as part of a team or an individual, I always hold myself to the highest possible standard.

Design for brand on a missionDesign for brand on a missionDesign for brand on a mission

Want to bring your ideas to life with me? Let’s get to know each other! Feel free to swing by for a coffee.

Or send me an email with a little bit about yourself, or your answer to a question like "if you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?" or whatever, you know...


23 An Hai Dong 1 St.
Da Nang, VN 550000
Phone: +84 932 517 236

Junz Nguyen 2024 © Graphic Designer
